Single Sign On Enabled for Concur Expense Tracking
Single sign on has been enabled for SAP Concur expense tracking. To sign on using the single sign method go to, or access it through the mobile app, then enter your INUMC email address, and log in using your INUMC credentials.
Your INUMC Credentials
For Windows users, your INUMC credentials are your email address and the password you use to log in to your computer.
For Mac users, your INUMC credentials are your email address and the password you use to connect to the VPN. If you are not a VPN user and do not know your credentials, please open a support ticket to request a password reset.
Future Changes
In coming weeks, more information will be coming on password reset self-service and options for multi-factor authentication with your INUMC credentials.
Useful Links
SAP Concur Web Login:
Download SAP Concur Mobile Apps:
Open a Support Ticket:
Knowledge Base Article: